Publicaties over afa-algen.
De Afa-alg is een blauwalg. Veel soorten blauwalgen zijn toxisch maar lang niet alle blauwalgen. De Afa-alg en bijvoorbeeld ook de Spirulina-alg zijn goede voorbeelden van blauwalgen met bijzondere eigenschappen. De Spirulina-alg
wordt tegenwoordig voornamelijk in kunstmatig in grote bakken gekweekt zoals groente in kassen.
De Afa-alg in het Klamathmeer wordt echter alleen in de natuur geoogst in het najaar. Deze Afa-alg moet hele barre omstandigheden
In de winter sterft het grootste deel af doordat het meer met ijs en sneeuw is bedekt. Daarnaast heeft het water een hoge Ph-waarde ( soda-achtig water) wat het bestaan van leven extra moeilijk maakt omdat dat extra aanpassing
vraagt.. Daarom kan alleen de Afa-alg zich als cultuur zich in het meer handhaven. De Afa-alg blijkt in de praktijk vooral een hele goede ondersteuning voor het zenuwstelsel en de hersenen te zijn. Sommige gebruikers van Afa-algen zijn zo enthousiast dat ze
lyrisch worden over de verbeteringen in hun functioneren.
Toen de Afa-alg in de praktijk het ziektebeeld ADHD, waarbij het geneesmiddel Ritalin wordt toegepast, gunstig bleek te beinvloeden barsten vertegenwoordigers van de geneesmiddelenindustrie
los in een campagne om de de Afa-alg te bestrijden door de toxische eigenschappen van blauwalgen naar voren te brengen. Dit ging zelfs zover dat de de Duitse arts Dr Stollhof, een Ritalin-aanhangster, een boete van DM 25000,00 moest betalen als zij haar
bewering dat afa-algen gevaarlijk zijn voor hersenen en lever niet uit de publiciteit wilde halen.
Er werd hier totaal voorbij gegaan aan het feit dat niet alle blauwalgen gevaarlijk zijn en ook aan het feit dat de omstandigheden en de plaats waar
waar afa-alg groeit zijn kwaliteit beinvloed. Uitgebreid onderzoek van de Afa-alg uit het Klamathmeer heeft aangetoond dat alle beschuldigende beweringen op onwaarheden berusten.
Onderzoek naar de kwaliteit van Afa-algen
Klamath Lake Algae - Review of the literature regarding neurotoxicityChristian Drapeau, MSc.Desert Lake Technologies, Klamath Falls, Oregon Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (Aph. flos-aquae) is a filamentous blue-green algal species harvested each summer from Upper Klamath Lake in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Aph. flos-aquae has been sold as a
nutritional food supplement for nearly 20 years. It is known to be rich in certain vitamins (B12, carotenoids, K) and in trace minerals. The nutritional benefits of Aph. flos-aquae have been appreciated by over a million consumers, many of whom reported increased
energy levels, heightened mental clarity, improved memory and recall, and an overall feeling of well-being. Aph. flos-aquae from Upper Klamath Lake Upper Klamath Lake has sometimes been referred to as polluted because of the lake's incredible bounty of Aph. flos-aquae. The most observable influence of this blue green algae is the change in the chemical properties of the water around the blooming algal masses, namely dissolved oxygen, pH and ammonia. Given summer conditions and a large algal bloom, water chemistry can change drastically and these parameters can reach levels that can directly impact fish species (Monda and Saiki, 1993). Fish will congregate near inflow areas of better water quality, yet their density and stressed condition renders them susceptible to outbreaks of disease and die-offs. In Upper Klamath Lake such fish kills (1971, 1986, 1995) are generally attributed to outbreaks of "Columnaris" disease (Logan and Markle, 1993). These outbreaks have been common in fish hatcheries under crowded, high temperature conditions (Piper et al. 1982). Such impact on the survival of fish has led people unaware of this natural chemistry to state that Klamath Lake is polluted. Various testing for pesticides, petro-chemicals and other contaminants over the past 10 years failed to reveal the presence of any such contaminants. Aph. flos-aquae and the issue of neurotoxicity Klamath
Lake The second article concerning Klamath Lake was a preliminary summary of a toxicity test on Upper Klamath Lake Aph. flos-aquae published by Gentile (1971) in a review article on blue-green and green algal toxins. A mouse assay (n=1) was performed on a colony isolate of Aph. flos-aquae cultured for a short period of time in a laboratory. Signs of poisoning in the mouse were reported as similar to that of a Kezar Lake, New Hampshire (see below) Aph. flos-aquae sample later shown to produce a toxin with similarities to saxitoxin and its derivatives. In both articles, several elements did cast significant uncertainty
concerning this possible neurotoxicity of Upper Klamath Lake Aph. flos-aquae. These include: For these reasons, it could not be concluded that Aph. flos-aquae from Upper Klamath Lake produced a neurotoxin. As quoted by Gentile (personal communication to W.W.C., March 27, 1996), "This anecdotal toxicity test on Upper Klamath Lake Aph. flos-aquae should be rigorously restudied before it can be concluded that the alga produces a toxin". Periodic toxicity tests in the 1980's plus frequent regular testing since 1991 have failed to reveal any neurotoxins in Upper Klamath Lake Aph. flos-aquae (Carmichael et al., 2000). Aph. flos-aquae samples from other locations Court
Cases In the first one a man, Mr. Fineman, claimed that consumption
of Aph. flos-aquae triggered neuropathy. The case revealed that Mr. Fineman had been suffering from diabetes since early childhood and had had many episodes of developing neuropathy. After two years of contracting with various laboratories throughout the world
to detect and identify a neurotoxin in Aph. flos-aquae, Mr. Fineman had to withdraw the suit because of lack of evidence. The court obliged Mr. Fineman to published the following statement: In a second case, the aforementioned company Cell Tech filed a lawsuit against an individual, Mark Thorson, who had relentlessly published over the Internet that Aph. flos-aquae from Klamath Lake contained a neurotoxin
similar to cocaine and dangerous to consumers. Once again, after considerable effort to prove his allegations, Mr. Thorson lost his case. He was also asked to published the following statement over the Internet: These two cases are interesting as they both relied on the explicit demonstration that Aph. flos-aquae from Klamath Lake contained a neurotoxin. In both cases, many laboratories throughout the world with the capability and the
expertise to detect and quantify neurotoxins were contracted to find neurotoxins in Aph. flos-aquae from Klamath Lake, with no success. Summary REFERENCES Carmichael, W.W., Drapeau, C., and Anderson, D.M. (2000) Harvesting of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae Ralfs ex Born. & Flah. Var. flos-aquae (Cyanobacteria) from Klamath Lake for human dietary use, J. App. Phyco., vol. 12, pp. 585-595. Carmichael, W.W., and P.R. Gorham. (1980) Freshwater cyanophyte toxins, In: Algae Biomass, Elsevier, New York, pp. 437-448. Gearheart, R.A., J.K Anderson, M.G. Forbes, M. Osburn, and D. Oros. (1995) Watershed strategies for improving water quality in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon. Humboldt State University, Environmental Resources Engineering Department. 3 Volumes. Gentile, J.H., and T.E. Maloney. (1969) Toxicity and environmental requirements of a strain of Aphanizomenon flos aquae (L.) Ralfs, Can. J. Microbiol., vol. 15 (2), pp. 165-173. Gentile, J.H. (1971) Blue green and green algal toxins. In: Microbial Toxins, Vol. 7, Academic Press, New York, pp. 27-67. Gorham, P.R. (1964) Toxic Algae. In: Algae and Man, Plenum Press, New York, pp. 307-306. Logan, D.J., and D.F. Markle (1993) Fish faunal survey of Agency Lake and northern Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon. In Environmental research in the Klamath Basin, Oregon - 1992 Annual Report. S.G. Campbell (ed.) p. 341. Monda, D.P. and M.K. Saiki. (1993) Tolerance of Juvenile Lost River and Shortnose suckers to high pH, ammonia concentration, and temperature, and to low dissolved oxygen concentration. In Environmental research in the Klamath Basin, Oregon - 1992 Annual Report. S.G. Campbell (ed.) p. 341. Piper, R.G, I.B. McElwain, L.E. Orme, J.P. McCraren, L.G. Fowler, and J.R. Leonard. (1982) Fish Hatchery Management. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. Washington D.C. p. 517. Phinney, H.K. and Peek, C.A. (1961) Klamath Lake, an instance of natural enrichment. In Transactions of the seminar on Algae and Metropolitan Wastes. U.S. Public Health Service, pp. 22-27. Rapala, J., Sivonen, K., Luukkainen, R., and S.I. Niemela. (1993) Anatoxin-a concentration in Anabaena and Aphanizomenon under different environmental conditions and comparison of growth by toxic and non-toxic Anabaena strains - a laboratory study, J. Applied Phycol., vol. 5, pp. 581-591. Li, R., Carmichael, W.W., Liu, Y., and Watanabe, M.M. (2000) Taxonomic re-evaluation of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae NH-5 based on morphological and 16 rRNA gene sequences, Hydrobiologica, vol. 438, pp. 99-105. Sawyer, P.J., Gentile J.H., and J.J. Sasner. (1968) Demonstration
of a toxin from Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (L.) Ralfs, Can. J. Microbiol., vol. 14, pp. 1199-1204. |
McPartland responseJuly 16, 1997Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients Dr. Collin, Recently the Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients (June 1997) published an article entitled "Why Blue Green Algae Makes Me Tired," by John McPartland, DO. The number of inaccuracies and slanderous opinions expressed in this article is overwhelming. Virtually every statement presented by the author is either factually inaccurate, out of context, incomplete or simply libelous. One of these statements is McPartland's discussion about the neurotoxicity of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae from Klamath Lake. This concern is certainly appreciated and shared by Cell Tech as it is undisputed that some strains of this particular type of blue-green algae are capable of producing toxins. However, the Upper Klamath Lake strain of Aph. flos-aquae has never been conclusively reported to produce neurotoxins. McPartland cites both Phinney and Peek (1961) and Gentile (1971) as the basis of his conclusion. The algal sample taken by Phinney and Peek was extensively analyzed by Gorham (Gorham, 1964; Carmichael and Gorham, 1980) who concluded that: "The signs of poisoning produced by samples from this bloom, consisting of 50:50 Aphanizomenon, Microcystis, injected i.p. into mice were similar to those of microcystin. It was concluded that Aphanizomenon was either non-toxic or produced a toxin like microcystin." Aph. flos-aquae is not known to produce microcystins. Gentile's report (1971) was a preliminary summary of a toxicity test on Upper Klamath Lake Aph. flos-aquae published in a review article on blue-green and green algal toxins. As quoted by Gentile himself (personal communication to Dr. Wayne W. Carmichael, 1996), "This anecdotal toxicity test on Upper Klamath Lake Aph. flos-aquae should be rigorously restudied before it can be concluded that the alga produces a toxin." Periodic toxicity tests in the 1980's and regular testing since 1991 have failed to reveal any neurotoxins in Upper Klamath Lake Aph. flos-aquae (quality control on Super Blue Green® Algae performed by independent laboratories). McPartland was fully aware of the information mentioned above but chose to disregard the years of laboratory results and the analysis of the scientific literature by experts in algal toxicology. In brief, a test called enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is used to detect microcystins, a specific type of hepatotoxin (An and Carmichael 1994). ELISAs are among the most sensitive detection techniques available. In addition, the levels of hepatotoxins are also accurately determined by a protein phosphatase inhibition assay (Takai and Mieskes 1991; An and Carmichael 1994) which measures the actual toxicity. Neurotoxins, which are commonly produced by some Anabaenas, some dinoflagellates and some strains of Aph. flos-aquae are detected by using an anticholinesterase enzyme assay (Matsunaga et al. 1989) and an FDA-approved assay for saxitoxins (AOAC, 1990) and/or high performance liquid chromatography (Oshima et al. 1989). All of these testing procedures are performed on every batch of freeze-dried Super Blue Green® Algae by external laboratories to ensure an unbiased and independent evaluation. Absolutely no batch of algae is processed without having undergone analysis and met the standards. Neurotoxins have never been detected after 6 years of rigorous testing of every batch of algae harvested by Cell Tech. Again, it is indisputable that some strains of Aph. flos-aquae were shown to produce neurotoxins in Europe as well as in lakes in New Hampshire and Canada, but the extrapolation that all strains are toxic shows a lack of scientific background or a lack of integrity. Actually, after testing many blooms of Aph. flos-aquae in North America for neurotoxicity, Carmichael and Gorham (1980) concluded that, "All blooms and isolates from blooms of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae that we have collected from lakes of Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta, Canada have been nontoxic." Gorham (1964) further concluded that, "A decision as to whether fast-death-producing strains of Aphanizomenon exist must be left in abeyance, but the suspicion we now have is that the final answer may be negative." With this in mind, the author's opinion that the reason why people eating Aph. flos-aquae feel energized is due to anatoxin's similarities to cocaine is totally groundless. First and foremost, anatoxin is not produced by nor present in the algae harvested from Klamath Lake. With little objective and honest research, McPartland could have found many plausible scientific explanations for the energy felt by people eating Aph. flos-aquae. He preferred to slander Cell Tech and deceive the readers by suggesting that Super Blue Green® Algae contained an analog to an illegal drug. McPartland wrote, "I received a nasty phone call from Cell Tech in Oregon..." The only individuals within Cell Tech who would personally contact McPartland by telephone did not, in fact, do so. We have never accused the author of having been "paid off" nor has Cell Tech "slammed" Spirulina. These are shameless lies. Cell Tech produces an entirely safe, extremely high quality product which has brought numerous benefits to thousands of people and we market our products as such, without slander or defamation. Without any knowledge of Cell Tech's philanthropic activities, McPartland writes, "The concept of doing something for nothing is foreign to them." Cell Tech is deeply involved with humanitarian projects to which we donate a significant amount of product, time and commitment. We are assisting with projects located in Nicaragua, Argentina, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Cambodia, Tibet as well as projects within the United States including Los Angeles, the Navahos in Arizona, The American Indian Family Healing Center in Oakland, California, and Klamath Falls, Oregon. Yet, very few of these projects have been used for marketing purposes. McPartland's comment ridiculing Cell Tech's humanitarianism is a clear demonstration of his unsubstantiated bias. McPartland implied that the fish kills (1894, 1971, 1986, 1995, 1996) occurred because of pollution or toxicity. A very simple investigation with the local agencies in the Klamath Basin would have revealed to the author that these fish kills occurred simply because of poor water quality, indirectly caused by the biodynamics of algae blooms, not toxicity or pollution. He further mentions that, "... SBGA, like many species of blue-green algae, is encased by mucilaginous sheath, which provides a strong anchor for adhering bacterial contaminants. One such bacterium associated with blue-green algae is Legionella pneumophila, the cause of legionnaire disease. Another bug, Vibrio cholerae, can actually live inside blue-green algae." Here McPartland's intention to discredit Cell Tech and to mislead the reader is indisputable. Does McPartland know of any case of cholera or legionnaire disease linked to the consumption of Super Blue Green® Algae? Any food can be a medium for bacterial growth and Cell Tech's Quality Control procedure fully ensures that Super Blue Green® Algae meets all the standards established by the Department of Agriculture. McPartland writes, "Cell Tech substitutes expensive pasteurization with "heat-sanitize" process." Pasteurization is a heat-sanitation process. Cell Tech's pasteurization process differs from classic pasteurization in that it preserves the enzymatic activity and the nutritional value of the algae. Everyone who visited Cell Tech's harvesting and production facilities, including state inspectors, have been unanimously impressed by the quality of the process and the investment made by Cell Tech to ensure quality and safety of its products. One thing that McPartland did not dare report is the well known stimulating effect of blue-green algae on the immune system (Lahitova et al., 1994). A study performed by a reputed university provided strong evidence, obtained by traditional immunological assay, that Aph. flos-aquae significantly increases, among other things, the phagocytic and microbicidal activity of macrophages, and the recruitment of natural killer (NK) cells (Manoukian et al., 1997). In addition, Aph. flos-aquae contains nearly 2% chlorophyll which was shown to accelerate healing of wounds and burns (Gruskin, 1940; Sano and Smith, 1942; Goldberg, 1943; Gahan et al., 1943) and to act as a precursor for the synthesis of other compounds such as hemoglobin (Hughes et al., 1936) and vitamin K (Hansen, 1980; Borowitzka, 1988). Furthermore, recent studies have demonstrated the ability of chlorophyllin to provide protection against certain forms of liver toxicity (Breinholt et al., 1995a,b). Finally, Aph. flos-aquae is an exceptional source of essential fatty acids (more than 40% of lipid content) whose deficiency is increasingly linked to decreased cardiovascular health (Simopoulos, 1989, 1991; Spielmann et al., 1989; Kromhout, 1989; Renaud et al., 1989; Wood et al., 1987), reduced immunity (DeWille et al., 1979), certain forms of cancer (Anti et al., 1992; Wargovich, 1992), arthritis (Kremer et al., 1989), mental problems (Hibbeln and Salem, 1995; Stevens et al., 1995), and skin problems (Wright and Burton, 1982). In summary, it is quite deplorable to see the ease with which someone can publish such inaccurate information and slanderous opinions.
Super Blue Green® Algae is extensively tested and all independent laboratory results demonstrate its safety for human consumption. It is certainly unfortunate that McPartland feels he has been bombarded by individuals attempting to share their information
and the benefits they experienced by eating blue-green algae. However, it is both disturbing and scandalous that he is utilizing his doctoral degree to make slanderous claims about something unrelated to his field of expertise, and it is even more disturbing
that he has been allowed to utilize the Townsend Letter as a bulletin board for his personal vendetta. Sincerely, Christian Drapeau Reference An, J.S., and W.W. Carmichael. 1994. Use of a colorimetric protein phosphatase inhibition assay and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for the study of microcystins and nodularins, Toxicon, vol. 32 (12), pp. 1495-1507. Anti M., Marra G., and Armelao F. (1992) Effect of -3 fatty acids on rectal proliferation on subjects at risk for colon cancer. Gastroenterology 103:883-801. AOAC. 1990. Hollingworth T., and M.M. Wekell. Paralytic shellfish poison biological method final action. In: Official Methods of Analysis, 15th edition, K. Hellrich (Ed.), AOAC, Arlington VA, pp. 881-882 Carmichael, W.W., and Gorham, P.R. (1980). Freshwater cyanophite toxins, In: Algae Biomass, Elsevier, New York, pp. 437-448. DeWille et al. (1979) Effects of essential fatty acid deficiency, and various levels of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids, on humoral immunity in mice. J. Nutr. 109(6): 1018-1027. Gahan, E., Kline, P.R. and Finkle, T.H. (1943) Chlorophyll in the treatment of ulcers. Arch. of Dermatology and Syphilology, #49:848-851. Gentile, J.H. 1971. Blue green and green algal toxins. In: Microbial Toxins, Vol. 7, Academic Press, New York, pp. 27-67. Goldberg, S.L. (1943) The use of water soluble chlorophyll in oral sepsis. Am. J. of Surg., (October): 117-123. Gorham, P.R. 1964. Toxic Algae. In: Algae and Man, Plenum Press, New York, pp. 307-306. Gruskin, B. (1940) Chlorophyll its therapeutic place in acute and suppurative disease. Am. J. Surg., 49: 49-55. Hibbeln, J.R. and Salem, N.J. (1995) Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids and depression: when cholesterol does not satisfy. Am J Clin Nutr 62:1-9. Kremer, J.M., Lawrence, D.A., and Jubiz, W. (1989) Different doses of fish-oil fatty acid ingestion in active rheumatoid arthritis: a prospective study of clinical and immunological parameters. In: Dietary -3 and -6 Fatty Acids: Biological Effects and Nutritional Essentiality, Galli, C. and Simopoulos, A.P., eds., Plenum Publishing, New York, p. 343-350. Kromhout, D. (1989) Fish (oil) consumption and coronary heart disease. In: Dietary -3 and -6 Fatty Acids: Biological Effects and Nutritional Essentiality, Galli, C. and Simopoulos, A.P., eds., Plenum Publishing, New York, p. 273-282. Lahitova, N., Doupovcova, M., Zvonar, J., Chandoga, J., and Hocman, G. (1994) Antimutagenic properties of fresh-water blue-green algae. Folia Microbiol 39(4):301-303. Manoukian, R., Citton, M., Huerta, P., Rhode, B., Drapeau, C., and Jensen, G.S. (1997) Effects of the blue-green alga Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) on Natural Killer cells, in preparation. Matsunaga, S., Moore, R.E., Niernezura, W.P., and W.W. Carmichael. (1989) Anatoxin-a(s) a potent anticholinesterase from Anabaena flos-aquae, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., vol. 111, pp. 8021-8023. Oshima, Y., Sugino, K., and T. Yasumoto. (1989) Latest advances in HPLC analysis of paralytic shellfish toxins. In: Mycotoxins and phycotoxins, Natoris, S., Hashimoto, K., and Ueno, T. [Eds], Elsevier, New York, pp. 319-326. Phinney, H.K. and Peek, C.A. (1961) Klamath Lake, an instance of natural enrichment. In Transactions of the seminar on Algae and Metropolitan Wastes. U.S. Public Health Service, pp. 22-27. Renaud, S., Godsey, F., Dumont, E., Thevenon, C., Ortchanian, E., and Martin J. (1989) Influence of long-term diet modification on platelet function and composition in Moselle farmers. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 43: 136-150. Sano, M.E. and Smith, L.W. (1942) The effect of lowered temperatures upon the growth of the fibroblast in vitro: its application to wound healing. J. Lab. & Clin. Med., 27: 460-464. Simopoulos, A.P. (1989) Summary of the NATO advanced research workshop on dietary w3 and w6 fatty acids: biological effects and nutritional essentiality. Am Inst Nutr :521-527. Simopoulos, A.P. (1991) Omega-3 fatty acids in health and disease and in growth and development. Am J Clin Nutr 54:438-463. Spielmann, D., Traitler, H., Crozier, G., Fleith, M., Bracco, U., Finot, P.A., Berger, M., and Holman. R.T. (1989) Biochemical and bioclinical aspects of blackcurrant seed oil: 3- 6 balanced oil. In: Dietary -3 and -6 Fatty Acids: Biological Effects and Nutritional Essentiality, Galli, C. and Simopoulos, A.P., eds., Plenum Publishing, New York, p. 309-322. Stevens, L.J., Zentall, S.S., Deck, J.L., Abate, M.L., Watkins, B.A., Lipp, S.R., and Burgess, J.R. (1995) Essential fatty acid metabolism in boys with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Am J Clin Nutr 62:761-768. Takai, A., and Mieskes, G. (1991). Inhibitory effect of okadaic acid on the P-nitrophenyl phosphate phosphatase activity of protein phosphatases, Biochemical Journal, vol. 275, pp. 233-239. Wargovich M.J. (1992) Fish oil and colon cancer. Gastroenterology 103:1096-1101. Wood, D.A., Butler, S., MacIntyre, C., Riemersma, R.A., Thomson, M., and Elton, R.A. (1987) Linoleic and eicosapentaenoic acids in adipose tissue and platelets and risk of coronary heart disease. The Lancet (Jan 24):177-183. Wright, S. and Burton, J.L. (1982) Oral evening-primrose-seed oil improves atopic eczema. Lancet (Sept 20):1120-1122.